Summer Scheduling
When does Summer Scheduling start?
March 1
What’s the deadline for Summer Registration?
May 1
What dates are “Summer”?
End of May - End of August (varies year to year)
What days do you teach during the Summer?
When is my lesson?
Same time as Spring, unless you request a new available spot.
How many lessons do we do?
As many as we can schedule!
What are my options if we are traveling during the summer?
Lessons twice a week while you are in town.
Video lessons, sending practice videos, or parent-teacher phone calls to discuss practice.
Fewer than 10 lessons at à la carte rate of $100/hr and proportional to lesson duration.
Is there Group Class?
No, but we’ll have a camp at the end of August!
When is my teacher away?
We hope to have their availability on the Calendar ASAP. In the meantime, feel free to ask them directly.
What is your summer make-up policy?
The make-up policy is the same as during the school year. Here are your options:
Video Conference Lesson via Skype, Google, or FaceTime at scheduled time.
Parent-Teacher Conference
Send 15 minute practice video for constructive feedback on communication and content.
What if we decide to go on am impromptu vacation?
We’ll miss you. Please take your instrument and practice every day you eat. We will not be rescheduling unless you take me on your vacation, too.